About us | Sillycatz

What is SillyCatz?

SillyCatz is the wall painting kit that offers the perfect opportunity to spend time with your family, to create a unique story on the walls of the child's room, in which everyone participates.

The kit is easy to use, with clear instructions and all the elements you need to create the painting of your choice! We have made sure that nothing is missing so you can have a pleasant experience, from the beginning to the end.


And now let us tell you how SillyCatz was born!

At the intersection of two stories, a older one (or very old...) and a most recent one.

The old story is related to Michelangelo Buonarroti and Leonardo da Vinci, contemporary and rival great sculptors and painters at the same time, who approached very differently the task of painting the huge churches of the time. While Michelangelo sacrificed his health to paint the Sistine Chapel himself, with the support of a few apprentices, Leonardo primarily used apprentices, to whom he gave directions from the ground.

This is how Michelangelo ends up describing in the book "Diary of Michelangelo, the Madman", written by Rolando Cristofanelli, the technique used by his rival (or, better said, by his apprentices): After the wall was ready to be painted, several perforated canvases were glued to the outline of the drawing.

Another slightly rarer piece of cloth was used, in which coal dust or lime dust was put and dabbed on the perforated area of the cloths glued to the ceiling, and thus the outline of the painting that was to be put on the wall resulted. Many years later, I was amazed to discover a similar technique used in the application of tattoos, more than 500 years away from the era of Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci.

A clear sign that Leonardo's technique was effective in its simplicity and logic. Over the years, this story meets the "painting by numbers" phenomenon, which caused a real "aha moment" for us and hence the creation of the SillyCatz kit.

To discover the symbiosis between the two techniques that brought us here, we invite you to put to work any of the SillyCatz kits! Have fun!


Who are SillyCatz, the colorful cats?

SillyCatz are 5 artistic cats with colorful personalities that inspired wall painting kits for family fun!

They come with their energy in each kit, so that the walls of the child's room become a unique story! Let's meet SillyCatz:

  • Mistery – Loves mystery, but she will always let you in on artist secrets.
  • Jolly - Everything is a game for Jolly, that's how she learned everything she knows!
  • Sunny - Sunny always has the happiest colors on her brush. She shares them with you!
  • Joy - Enthusiasm from the first drawn line, with an energy that never ends!
  • LoL - She has a colorful joke for every situation and loves equally colorful laughs!

Yes, SillyCatz are different, but they share the joy of playing, creating, spending time with family or friends. And the walls become the "canvas" that invites you to fill it with life and color, through any of the themes you choose.

The set contains everything you need to protect yourself and the floor and the tools and colors to complete the work. The templates and color suggestion are just a starting point, but you create the story! SillyCatz loves spontaneity and creativity! And they can't wait to see what you create!


Built element by element, for each step of the project, the kit contains:

  1. Templates - at least 3, which you will be able to place on the wall as you wish, in your own story
  2. Paints - depending on the templates, you can find between 6 and 30 colors. The more colors, the more fun, right?
  3. Guide images - they are useful if you want to follow exactly the plan made by SillyCatz. If not, feel free to be spontaneous!
  4. Brushes - in different sizes, for larger areas, but also for details
  5. Chalk markers - essential for outlines
  6. Painter helmets - they complete the "artistic" atmosphere
  7. Floor protective foil - parents will appreciate it, for sure!
  8. Self-adhesive dots to attach the stencils to the wall
  9. Disposable gloves - for clean hands, but you can paint without them. The paint is non-toxic and washes off easily.


Why to choose SillyCatz?

  • For the time you will spend together, as a family
  • Because it is very easy to get a successful painting, with the help of templates and directions
  • Because it gives you the freedom to build the story the way you want, thanks to separate templates
  • because it will give satisfaction to the little ones that they participated in a creative activity with the family
  • because the little ones will enjoy every day the result of the project
  • Because it offers varied themes, to everyone's liking