Terms and conditions

Terms and conditions


Use of the website www.sillycatz.com, registration as well access to services PROVIDED represents an acceptance from _ Buyer 's terms and detailed confidentiality conditions _ _ May down with everything the consequences arising from acceptance them .

BUYER will have permanent access to the Terms and Conditions for use of the site to be able to consult them at any time.
www.sillycatz.com their book the right to update and / or review terms and Conditions at any time without notice _ prior , that 's why we request them Shopper to periodically follow up on eventualities changes .

SILLYCATZ – it is the name commercial of SC MURAL PAITING ART SRL, person legal nationality _ Romanian , having registered office in Bucharest, Sos . Colentina no. 1, Sector 2, having order number in the Register Commerce J40 / 23197/2022, unique registration code fiscal number 47211730.

Seller – SILLYCATZ or anything partner of SILLYCATZ.

Buyer - person physics or the person legally or anything entity legal entity that creates an account on the website and place an order .

Client – person physique / person the legal entity that has or Achieve access to CONTENT, via anything means of communication provided by SILLYCATZ ( electronic , telephone , etc. ) or based A existing user agreement between SILLYCATZ and _ this and which requires the creation and the use an ACCOUNT.

User – anything the person physical / legal registered on the website, which, by END to the process of creating the account , and gave agreement on terms _ _ specific to the site in the section Terms and Conditions General .

Account - the section of the site formed from an e-mail address and a password that allows BUYER the transmission ORDER and which contains information about the customer/ buyer and history to the buyer on the website ( orders , invoices fiscal , guarantees goods , etc.).

Favorites – section of the account that allows the buyer / user to their CREATE Lists .

List – web page from Favorites where the Buyer / User may be add Goods that he considers to be preferred and which, subsequently, he can add to shopping cart (" my cart ") .

Lists can be:

  • Public : any Client/ Buyer / User may be view the Buyer / User List if he has shared it on social networks (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram , etc.) or if ACCESSING the public profile of the Buyer / User on the Site. The lists are public again The Buyer / User has the possibility to set them as private at any time , directly from the Account or , the Favorites section .
  • Private: These can be viewed only by the holder Account . The Buyer / User has the possibility to set them as publicly anytime , directly from the Account or , the Favorites section .

Website - domain www.sillycatz.com and BUSINESS ACTIVITIES this one .

Order – an electronic document intervenes as a form of communication between Seller and Buyer through which the Buyer transmit To the seller , via through the Site INTENTION to of a purchase Goods and Services on the Site.

Goods and Services – anything product or service , inclusive documents and services mentioned in the Order , to be provided by Seller , to the Buyer as a result of the Contract concluded .

Campaign - the action of a expose for commercial purposes , a number finished by Goods and / or Services having a stock limited and predefined , for a period time limited _ established by _ Seller .

Contract - represents the distance contract ENDED between Seller and Buyer , without present physics simultaneously with the Seller and of the Buyer .

Content - All the information on the Site that can be visited , viewed or otherwise accessed through the use A electronic equipment ;

  • the content any email sent Buyers by _ Seller through means ELECTRONIC and / or any other means of communication available ;
  • anything information communique through anything means by an employee / collaborator of the Seller , the Buyer , according to the specified contact information or not by this one ;
  • information related to the Goods and / or services and / or CHARGES practiced by the Seller in a certain way period ;
  • information related to the Goods and / or services and / or CHARGES practiced by a third party with whom the Seller has concluded partnership contracts , in a certain way period ;
  • data related to the Seller , or his other privileged data . _

Review – an evaluation written by _ OWNER or BENEFICIARY A product or service , evaluation based on _ the experience PERSONAL and CAPACITY him to achieve comments QUALITY and to say if the product or SERVICE respect or not the specifications mentioned by _ producer .

Rating - way of expressing the degree of satisfaction of a User / Client / Buyer compared to a product . The rating is expressed in the form of stars, each product can get a score from one star to five stars. This degree of satisfaction will be associated always the review written by the User / Client / Buyer on A product or service .

Comment - appreciation or observation with a critical purpose, on the side a Review or another comment . _ _

Question - form of address to other Users / Customers / Buyers for the purpose of a Achieve information about products or the services on the page respectively .

Answer - information the writing that is submitted To the User / Customer / Buyer who a asked a question on the website, on the page A certain product . The answer is an explanation offered by a User / Client / Buyer to another User / Client / Buyer within of a discussions .

Document - the present Deadlines and Conditions .

Newsletter – periodical means of information , exclusively electronic, respectively electronic mail (e-mail, SMS) on goods and services and / or promotions _ carried out by the Seller in a certain way the period , without none commitment from _ To the seller with reference to the information contained by it .

Transaction - collection or reimbursement of a amounts the result of the sale a Good and / or Service by SILLYCATZ , to the Buyer , via the use services card processor _ approved by _ Seller , regardless of the method of delivery .

Stamp duty green – the value expressed in lei , paid by Seller by the society authorized to take over collection , transport and operations recovery / recycling of waste the equipment ELECTRICAL and electronics as is _ _ provided by the legislation in force .

Specifications - all the specifications and / or the descriptions goods and services as specified in the description them .

Payment with 1 click - the payment service provided by _ the payment processor integrated into the Site, made available Customers , Users and / or Buyers through through the Website in view making of a pay by card online.

Token – number vault unique associate the Buyer 's payment card after MAKING of a pay online, after Enable services PaybyClick and which will could be used by _ Buyer for authorization Transactions through SERVICE PaybyClick .


2.1. By registering of a Orders on the Site, the Buyer agrees with the form of communication ( telephone or e-mail) through which the Seller their Scrolls the operations commercial .

2.2. notification received by _ Buyer , after MAKING The order has an informative role and does not represent acceptance Orders . notification is a confirmation of order registration _ and does not oblige the seller at execution ITS until the moment confirmations stock available and the term of delivery of the order . This one notification is made electronically (e-mail) or by phone .

2.3. For justified reasons , the Seller their book the right to modify the amount goods and / or Services in the Order . If it changes the amount of Goods and / or Services from the Order will announce The buyer at the e - mail address or phone number made available _ To the seller upon execution order and will return the amount paid .

2.4. For commands what the to be delivered to the stores and SILLYCATZ delivery points prices _ and reservations goods and / or The services are valid for 72 ( seventy-two ) hours after registration Orders by _ Buyer .


3.1. Access to the view making of a His orders are allowed to any Client/ Buyer . For justified reasons SILLYCATZ and book the right to restrict access Customer / Buyer in view making of a Orders and / or to some of the payment methods accepted , if it considers that in the basis behavior or A activity To the Customer / Buyer on the Site, the shares ITS It TO prejudice in any way kind of SILLYCATZ. In any from these cases , the Customer / Buyer can Address SILLYCATZ Customer Relations Department , to be informed about the reasons that led to the application _ measure mentioned above .

3.2. Communication with the Seller is possible realize through interaction directly with it or through addresses mentioned in the "contact" section of the Website. The seller has the freedom to manage information Inbox without having to to bring justification for this .

3.3 In case A traffic volume _ unusually large originating from _ of a internet networks , SILLYCATZ and so on book the right to ask Customers / Buyers PLACING manual of captcha type validation codes , in view protection the information on the Site .

3.4. SILLYCATZ may publish information on the Site about Goods and / or Services and / or promotions practiced by _ this or by _ any other third party with whom SILLYCATZ has agreements partnership contracts , in a certain way the time period and within the limit stock available _

3.5. All CHARGES related goods presented on the Site are expressed in lei (RON) and include VAT

3.6. Under the conditions provided by law , the price goods ELECTRONIC displayed on the Site, includes Stamp Duty green _ If the Customer / Buyer _ request details about the exact amount added to the price Good , this one will CALL SILLYCATZ Customer Relations Department . _

3.7. In case online payments The seller is not / cannot be made responsive for no other additional cost borne by the Buyer , including but not limited to conversion fees FOREIGN CURRENCY applied by the card issuing bank _ thereof , if the issuing currency _ A ITS differs from RON. Responsibility for This one action carries it no more The buyer .

3.8 All information used for the description goods and / or the Services available on the Site ( static/ dynamic images / multimedia presentations , etc.) do not represent an obligation contractual from the side To the seller , these being use exclusively for presentation purposes . _

3.9 The Seller may be limit the maximum amount accepted for one or May many products from the catalog. The quantity of products should not be added to the basket to exceed the maximum number of pieces accepted for the respective product / products .


seller may be assign and / or subcontract a third party part for Services what about the honor Orders , with information To the buyer , not being necessary AGREEMENT this one . seller it always will be responsible to the Buyer for all the obligations contractual .


5.1. Content as is _ _ defined in the preamble , including but not limited to logos , representations stylized symbols _ commercial , still images , images dynamics , text and / or multimedia content presented on the Site, are the property exclusive to SILLYCATZ, it Having been reserve all RIGHTS obtained in this meaning directly or indirectly ( via user licenses _ and / or publication ).

5.2. The customer / buyer does not like it PERMITTED copying , distribution , publication , transfer by third parties, modification and / or otherwise alteration , use , connection to, exposure , inclusion ANY Content in any context other than the original intended by SILLYCATZ, the inclusion ANY Content outside the Site , removal signs that signify copyright of SILLYCATZ on _ Content as well participation in the transfer , sale , distribution SOME materials realized through reproduction , modification or display Content , except with consent written express of SILLYCATZ.

5.3. Any Content to which the Customer / Buyer has and / or Achieve accession through anything middle , is under the incidence Document , if the Content is not accompanied by a specific and valid user agreement concluded between SILLYCATZ and this one , too free any implied warranty or express formulated by SILLYCATZ with reference to that Content .

5.4. The Customer / Buyer may be copy , transfer and / or use Content only for purposes PERSONAL or non- commercial , only if they do not conflict with the provisions the document .

5.5. If SILLYCATZ confers _ Customer / Buyer the right to use in the form described in a separate user agreement , a certain one content , to which the Customer / Buyer has or Achieve back access _ this agreement , this right expands _ no more on that or NEEDLES contents defined in the agreement , only for the period being ITS or THESE contents on the website or of the period defined in the agreement , according to the defined conditions , if they there is and does not represent a contractual commitment on the part of SILLYCATZ for the respective Client/ Buyer or any other third party who has/ obtains access to this content transferred by _ anything middle and which would could be or It is prejudiced in any way by the latter this content , during or after Expires user agreement . _

5.6. None Content SUBMITTED to his Client Buyer , via anything means of communication (electronic, telephone , etc. ) or acquired by him through accessing , visiting and / or viewing is not an obligation contractual agreement on the part of SILLYCATZ and / or the SILLYCATZ employee / representative who intervened the transfer of Content , if this there is , compared to the respective one content .

5.7. It is forbidden anything use of the Content in others purposes than the PERMITS express through this Document or the accompanying user agreement , if this _ _ _ there is


6.1. The Customer / Buyer may be effect Orders on the Site, via ADDING goods and / or services desired in the shopping cart , to complete _ Command performing the payment through one from the methods expressly indicated . Once time added to the shopping cart , a Good and / or a Service It is available for purchase to the extent that it exists stock available for this . ADDING of a Good/ Service in the shopping basket , if not completion Orders , do not attract after the registration itself of a commands , implicitly neither automatic reservation of the Good / Service .

6.2. By completion order BUYER consent that all dATES provided by him , necessary of the purchase process , are correct and complete true at the time of posting Orders .

6.3. By completion Orders , Buyer agrees that the Seller may be to contact him , via anything middle available / agreed by the Seller , in any case situation in which it is NEEDED contact To the buyer .

6.4. seller may be cancel Command performed by _ Buyer , behind of a Notifications PRIOR TO To the buyer , without any bond the later of any party compared to the other or without any _ part to ABLE to claim THE OTHER damages in the following cases :

6.4.1. non-acceptance by the issuing bank of the card To the buyer , of the transaction , in the case online payments ;

6.4.2. invalidation the transaction by card processor _ approved by SILLYCATZ, in case online payments ;

6.4.3. dATES provided by the Client/ Buyer , on the Site are incomplete and / or incorrect ;

6.4.4. pRICE displayed on the website www.sillycatz.com is the result of a BUGS materials ;

6.4.5. the product / products ordered no more find out in stock ;

If the prices _ or other details related to the products were DISPLAYED wrong , including because _ the fact that they were introduced wrong in the database , we allocate the right to cancel the delivery of the respective product / products and to announce the client in the May short time possible , about FAILURE appeared , if the delivery was not made yet .

6.5. The buyer has the right to withdraw from the Contract, respectively to return a good or to cancel a Service within 14 days calendars , without invoking ANY reason and without bearing _ other costs than those of delivery .

Thus , according to GEO no. 34/2014, the return period of a Good expires within 14 days from:

  • the day the Buyer takes possession the physicality of the last Good - if the Buyer command through one _ command multiple products to be delivered separated
  • the day the Buyer takes possession the physics of the last Good or the last parts in the case delivery A product consisting of may _ many lots or parts .

6.6. If the Customer / Buyer _ request withdrawal from the Contract within the legal term of withdrawal from the contract, must to return and ANY accompanying gifts _ the product respectively . If the Order _ It is paid , Seller will refund the amount within a maximum of 14 ( fourteen ) days from the date of the information To the seller by Buyer on his decision to withdraw from the Contract. The amount will be returned as follows : _

6.6.1. for commands paid by card - online via refund to the account from which it was made payment ;

6.6.2. for commands paid with Op/ cash on delivery / iTransfer / Bank card - via transfer banking ;

6.6.3. for commands PAID through consumer credit - cancellation / recalculation of installment contract.

6.7. seller will TO postpone reimbursement AMOUNT until receipt _ goods SALE or until receipt _ of a evidence according to which they were sent , if not offered to recover he himself The goods ( will take that date May recent ).

6.8. If a Good _ and / or Service ordered by _ Buyer , cannot be delivered by _ Seller , the latter _ will inform The Customer / Buyer on this fact and will return to the account Shopper equivalent PROPERTY and / or Service , within a maximum of 7 ( seven ) days from the date on which the Seller took notice this fact or from the date on which the Buyer and expressed it expressly _ the intention to terminate the Contract .

6.9. Availability of a Good will be displayed on the Site as follows :

6.9.1. " in stock " - we have May more than 3 pieces in stock SILLYCATZ *

6.9.2. " unavailable " - at the moment we can't ATTORNEY good because it is not in stock the supplier .

* Availability display It is PROXIMATE and it is based on stocks scripts of the day the previous one .


7.1. The following are excluded from the right of withdrawal from the Contract :

7.1.1. supply of Goods that are susceptible to deterioration or A expires quickly;

7.1.2. supply of Goods sealed that cannot be returned for reasons of health protection or for reasons of hygiene and what they were unsealed by the Buyer ;


SILLYCATZ will keep confidentiality information of any kind that you provide . Disclosure information will be provided could only do under the conditions mentioned in this Document.

8.2. Any public statement , promotion , press release or any other way of disclosure by third parties will not be made by the Buyer / Client regarding the Order / Contract without consent PRE written by the Seller .

8.3. By transmitting information _ or materials through INTERMEDIATE this site, offered Seller accession unrestricted and irrevocable to them , the right to use , reproduce, display , modify , transmit and distribute these materials or information . You also agree that the Seller _ to ABLE use freely, in interest own , these information , ideas , concepts , know- how or techniques you give us _ SENT through through the Website . SILLYCATZ will not constitute subject of obligations regarding confidentiality _ information sent , if the legislation in force does not provide other specifications in this sense.

8.4. By registering in the database of SILLYCATZ, the Client / Buyer their OFFERS consent express , within the limits the legislation in force , to be contacted by third parties , partners of SILLYCATZ : marketing service providers , other service providers in view ACCOMPLISHMENT Item contract ENDED between Buyer and Seller , as well as state agencies , government , when the legislation SPECIFICATIONS PROVIDED this work _ as well as others companies with which SILLYCATZ can develop programmer common bidding on the Goods market _ and / or Services etc. _


9.1. SILLYCATZ newsletters are sent through INTERMEDIATE partner specialized and approved by SILLYCATZ. Thus , they are insured confidentiality and security the information .

At the moment , the Client their create an Account on the Site, you have the possibility to their express the agreement regarding the receipt of Newsletters . customer their may be amend the option regarding the agreement issue by Seller at any time:

9.2.1. By contacting SILLYCATZ in this sense.

9.2.2. By accessing the unsubscribe link _ displayed in messages trader received from the Seller .

9.3. Waiver of receipt Their newsletters do not involve waiver of acceptance given for this Document.


10.1. pRICE goods displayed on the site _ www.sillycatz.com include VAT according to the legislation in force .

10.2. The price , the method of payment and the payment term is specified in each Order . seller will issue by Buyer an invoice for The goods delivered , the obligation Shopper being to PROVIDE all information REQUIRED DATE invoices according to the legislation in force .

10.3. seller will transmit The buyer the related invoice order what the contain Goods sold by SILLYCATZ.

10.4. For a correction communication of the invoice related Orders are the responsibility of the Buyer the obligations to and update whenever _ _ It is EVENT Account data _ or and of a access information and documents related EACH Orders , existing in Account.

10.5. Through this way of communication The buyer , accessing The account or , will has a record of invoices issued by SILLYCATZ, being able to save them and the archive in turn or at any time and in anything way he wants .

10.6 The Data the payment card of the Client / User / Buyer will not be accessible to SILLYCATZ and nor will they be stored by SILLYCATZ or by _ _ the payment processor integrated into the Site, but only by the institution authorizing the Transaction or another _ entity authorized to provide card identification data storage services , about which _ _ _ identity The Client / User / Buyer will be informed , prior to the introduction the data .

10.7. In certain cases , for maintaining security Transactions , upon registration Orders , to the Buyer he will _ request to authorized the payment through reintroduction PASSWORD related the account or the use footprint digital in the case mobile terminals that have this facility.

10.8. For Transaction security reasons _ The Client / User / Buyer It is advised not to stay logged in to the Site and not to set automatic login option on mobile devices . Disclosure the access password in the account is not PERMITTED and it is recommended usage a character password strong security (eg : sa contain THE at least eight characters , including letters large letters _ small numbers _ and CHARACTERS special ).

10.9. Attention ! For security reasons and to be able to honor orders , payment upon delivery will _ could only do if will registered on the site.


11.1. The seller obliges to deliver The goods in the door-to-door courier system to Buyer or in SILLYCATZ stores , according to the option The customer .

11.2. seller will ensure PACKING corresponding to the Goods and will ensure the transmission documents companion _

11.3. seller will effect the delivery goods and services only on the territory Romania .

11.4. All photos products presented have character informative , they may differ from the product sold .


12.1. All The goods sold by SILLYCATZ , benefit from warranty conditions _ compliant the legislation in force and POLICY commercial of the producers .

12.2. TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP OF GOODS Ownership on goods will be transferred upon delivery , after MAKING payments from _ To the buyer at the location indicated in the Order ( understanding through delivery – the signature of receipt of the transport document provided by the courier or the receipt signature on the tax invoice in the case delivery performed by staff Seller ).


13.1. The seller cannot be held responsible for damage of any kind as the Buyer or either one third part can _ suffer as a result of the fulfillment by Seller of any of his obligations according to the Order and for damages resulting from use _ goods after delivery and especially for the loss them .

13.2. By creating and the use Account , Customer / User / Buyer their assume Liability for maintaining confidentiality Account data ( user and password ) and for administrator access To the account , and to the extent allowed by the legislation in force , is responsible for the activity unroll through INTERMEDIATE the account or .

13.3. By creating the account and / or the use CONTENT and / or PLACEMENT Orders , the Customer / User / Buyer expressly accept _ and free equivocal terms and the conditions of the Site in the latest version updated that is communicated within the Site , existing on the date of creation the account and / or uSE CONTENT and / or on the placement date Orders .

13.4. After creation the account the use CONTENT equals acceptance _ CHANGES occurred on terms and Site Conditions _ and / or versions _ updated Terms _ and Site Conditions . _

13.5. terms and The conditions of the Site can be modified anytime by SILLYCATZ , these being opposer Customers / Users / Buyers from the date of display on the Site. Acceptance terms and The Site Conditions are confirmed through ticking the checkbox corresponding from the Site and / or through sending order and / or through MAKING of a pay online.


14.1. SILLYCATZ is registered in the Register of Evidence of Personal Data Processing under number 15827.

14.2. According to the requirements Law no. 677/2001 for protection persons regarding the processing _ personal data and free circulation _ _ A these data, modified and completed , SILLYCATZ has the obligation to administer safely and no more for purposes specified , the dates personal data that you provide us .

14.3. The goal collection dATES is :

  • the information Customers / Buyers looking the situation Including their account validation , dispatch and invoicing Orders , solving cancellation or problems of any nature related to an Order , to the Goods and or services purchased ;
  • sending Newsletters _ and / or ALERTS periodicals , by usage Post electronic (e-mail, SMS);
  • market research , tracking _ _ and sales monitoring _ and Behavior Customer / Buyer .

14.4. By completing data in the Account creation form _ and / or Order _ BUYER declare and accept unconditionally as his personal data to be included in the SILLYCATZ database , registered in the Processing Evidence Register Personal Data under number 15827, and he agrees _ express and unequivocal like all these personal data to be stored , used and processed for the purpose provided above at point 15.3.

14.5. By reading document you taken note of the fact that they are guaranteed to you RIGHTS provided by law , respectively the right to information , the right to access data, the right to intervene , the right to oppose , the right not to be subjected of a decisions individual , the right to Address justice in case of violation of rights guaranteed by Law 677/2001 for protection persons regarding the processing _ personal data and free circulation _ _ A these data.

14.6. On the basis of a APPLICATIONS written , dated , signed and sent to the address : Sos . Colentina no. 1, Sector 2, Bucharest, attention SC MURAL PAITING ART SRL, va you can exercise , free of charge , for one request per year, to be confirmed the fact that the data personal data are processed or not .

14.7. On the basis of a APPLICATIONS written , dated , signed and sent to the address : Sos . Colentina no. 1, Sector 2, Bucharest, attention SC MURAL PAITING ART SRL, va you can exercise the right to intervene on data , after case :

14.7.1. rectification , updating , blocking or Deleting whose data _ processing is not ACCORDING law 677/2001 for protection persons regarding the processing _ personal data and free circulation _ _ A these data, especially incomplete data or inaccurate ;

14.7.2. the transformation of their data into anonymous data processing is not ACCORDING law 677/2001 for protection persons regarding the processing _ personal data and free circulation _ _ A these data;

14.7.3. notification to the third parties to whom they were disclosed the dates , if This one notification does not prove impossible or does not involve an effort disproportionate to the legitimate interest that would could be injured .

14.8. Also , SILLYCATZ can provide personal data of the Buyer OTHER companies with which it is in partnership relations , but only on the basis A confidentiality commitment from _ _ THEIR and only for the purposes mentioned in point 15.3. , which guarantees that these data are kept safe and as the supply THESE information personal data is made according to the legislation in force , as follows : courier service providers , marketing service providers , payment / banking service providers , telemarketing or other services , provided by companies we can develop programmer common bidding on the Goods market _ and services our insurers . _

14.9. information Personal buyer can be provided and by The General Prosecutor's Office , the Police , the courts court and OTHER BODIES ability of the state , basically and within limits provisions link and as a result of some APPLICATIONS expressly formulated.


15.1. None of the parties will be responsible for Failure of its contractual obligations , if such non - execution on time and / or properly , totally or partially is CAUSED A force majeure event . The force majeure is the event unpredictable , out of control part and which cannot be avoided .

15.2. If within 15 ( fifteen ) days from the date of production his , respectively the event does not stop every part will have the right to notify to the other side , full cessation right of the Contract without any _ from they to ABLE claim THE OTHER other damages .


This Agreement is SUBJECT laws Romanians . any disputes ARISING between SILLYCATZ and Customers / Buyers will _ solve on the way MUTUAL AGREEMENT or , if this will not be possible , litigation _ will be resolved by the courts court ROMAN authorities from the Municipality of Bucharest.


1. Products , content and specifications . All characteristics , content , specifications , products and pRICE products and services described or illustrated on this website, www.sillycatz.com ( this "site"), can be modified at any time, without notification . some weights , dimensions or descriptions are approximate . Mural Paiting Art SRL, as the operator of this website submits all efforts to accurately present the features products , including the colors . It is though possibly depending on the device from which you access the site , the colors products to be easy different from those real . Inclusion SOME products or some _ services in this Website at a certain time does not involve or WARRANT the fact that these products or services to be available in anything moment _ It's responsibility your to check and to -respected the laws in force ( including some requirements minimum age ), in that what the look possession , use and the sale ANY product purchased from this site. By placement of a orders , will employees as products ORDERED will be used just in a legal way. All video cassettes , DVDs and other products LIKE SALE through this site is for use private and cannot be reproduced .

2. Accuracy the information . We do our best to ensure that the information on this site is complete and correct and current . Despite _ efforts our , the information on this site can sometimes be inaccurate , incomplete or expired . For example , the products included on this site may be unavailable , may have attribute different from those listed, or may be it had a price different than THE registered on this website. Besides, we can amend prices and availability THEIR free notice _ We reserve right , without notice _ prior , to limit the order quantity in various situations . It is also possible request checking information before acceptance _ and / or transport _ any orders .

3. Trademarks . Trade marks , names commercial , service marks _ and the logos used , or displayed on this site, are trademarks trader recorded and unregistered , names trader and service marks of SILLYCATZ and its subsidiaries . Any use of them requires the written permission of Mural Paiting Art SRL, SILLYCATZ or the owner .

4. Links by third parties. From time to time, this site may contains links _ to websites that are not owned , operated or controlled by Mural Paiting Art SRL, SILLYCATZ or their subsidiaries . All such links are provided in advantage _ VISITOR this site. If you use these links , you will leave this website. Both us and _ either one from SUBSIDIARIES ours , we are not responsible for anything content , materials or other information located on or accessible from other sites . _ Also , we do n't target or guarantee the content any information from other websites . _ If you decide to access either one other Web sites related to this site , do this work entirely on your own risk .

5. User guide _ information . Identification information _ personal , which is the object The Privacy Policy on this site , anything materials , information , suggestions , ideas , concepts , know-how, techniques , questions , comments that you send or posted with reference to this site in any way, they are also will be considered non- confidential and non- property . We reserve the right to remove any / all RIGHTS users who use materials we consider inadequate or unacceptable .


7. Limitations of liability . Both MURAL PAITING ART SRL and SILLYCATZ do not assume no responsibility for _ _ anything damages , or anything viruses that can infect the computer , telecommunications equipment , or other goods DUE or resulting from access to use _ or navigation this Web Site, or downloading anything _ information or materials on this site.

8. Return Policies . _ PRODUCTS PURCHASED THROUGH THIS SITE CAN BE RETURNED WITHIN 14 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF PURCHASE IF THEY DO NOT CORRESPOND TO THE PRESENTATION OR HAVE TRANSPORT DEFECTS. To be eligible returns ( exchange or refund ), the product should not be returned to SUBMIT MODIFICATION looking appearance commercial ( scratches or other packaging damage ) . The product must to be in the original packaging , unsealed , unused .

8.1. According to GEO 34/2014, art. 16, lit. d and e, the products feeding and cosmetics are susceptible to deterioration or A they expire quickly or cannot be returned for reasons of health protection or for reasons of hygiene and which products were which _ unsealed by the consumer , are exempt from the right of return .

8.2. products must to be accompanied required by the documents accompanying : tax receipt or invoices fiscal . For Returns products you can order us CALL by phone at the number 0786.871.111. operators our will WILL offer support in the choice return methods _ and will WILL offer the details necessary regarding the shipping address of the products , packaging _ or contact the courier company .

8.3. Upon reimbursement it will use same payment method as well _ the use for deal initial , with the exception the case in which you have expressed AGREEMENT express for another _ mode of reimbursement ; in anything case , you won't want them perceive commissions as a result of a such reimbursements . _ You will have to to bear the direct cost of the return the products .

9. Compensation In case violations by _ your A THESE Terms and Terms , you agree _ to compensate MURAL PAITING ART SRL, SILLYCATZ and affiliates , including the payment fees for lawyers , made of anything third party in the case A process .

10. Export restrictions . We We control this website on the territory Romania . We do not give any assurance that the site or the content to him are appropriate or available for use in others locations . Users who access the website from outside Romania do this own thing _ initiative and must to WEAR all the responsibility for COMPLIANCE local laws , if It is the case .

11. VOUCHER. Through _ on this website or directly from SILLYCATZ stores , you can benefit from various vouchers . TERM THEIR It is limited and they must used according to the instructions what is found on them .

12. NEWSLETTER By subscribing to the newsletter, you agree to receive emails promotions from Sillycatz.com .