About us

Greeting! Let's get to know each other!

        We are SillyCatz, 5 artist cats with colorful personalities that inspired these painting sets for the walls of your room!

       And YESSSSS, it's a lot of fun to paint on the walls!        


About us
What do our products do?

Turn the children's room into a wonderland!

            And SillyCatz guarantees a few hours of family fun! We are with you as you create a unique story from each kit! The walls become the "canvas" that we invite you to fill with life and color. Let’s do this!
What do our products do?
How to use it?

Play this video and see how much fun it is to paint with us!

SillyCatz because ...
You have every reason in the world to choose SillyCatz:
• for the time you will spend together, as a family
• because it is very easy to get a successful painting, with the help of templates and indications
• because it gives you the freedom to build the story the way you want, thanks to separate templates
• because it will give satisfaction to the little ones that they participated in a creative activity with the family
• because the little ones will enjoy every day the result of the project
• because it offers varied themes, to everyone's liking

SillyCatz because ...
Which kit do you choose?

Tananana, and now we present you the painting kits specially created for you!

Which kit do you choose?